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Failures and Prevention: Chemical Attacks of Decorated Plastic Surfaces
Plastic parts are decorated for many reasons and using many […]
Collaborative solution development paves way for expanding the use of TactoTek IMSE technology
Offer an enhanced user experience and design
Advanced interactive surfaces by TNO at Holst Centre: consoles and control panels re-invented
TNO at Holst Centre supports companies in the development of […]
Makrofol® and Makrolon® Ai enable smart surfaces in cars
Injection molded structural electronics (IMSE) technology brings electronics into thin, […]
QUAD Industries capacitive touch controls and in-mold electronics for automotive
We design and produce versatile and robust capacitive touch sensors […]
The Origo Steering Wheel wins German Design Award 2021 for outstanding design quality
The concept steering wheel, developed by a Finnish automotive consortium, […]
Marquardt, Preh and TactoTek further strengthen the ISELED Alliance as new members
The ISELED technology meanwhile is supported by more than 30 […]
Wenn Kunststoff und Elektronik verschmelzen
Das große Potenzial gedruckter Elektronik für Spritzgussbauteilemit smarten Oberflächen
Hohe Funktionsdichte auf kleinstem Raum
Wie Fischer mit in Spritzguss integrierter 3D-Elektronik Licht in die […]
In-Mold Electronics: Material Development Opportunities
In-Mold Electronics (IME) is a process that combines printed electronics […]
The first large and three-dimensional display is based on Covestro thermoplastics using OLED technology
Covestro collaborated with Continental Automotive, a company that develops pioneering […]
New Albea Kunststofftechnik: Automobilzulieferer investiert trotz Kurzarbeit
New Albea hat Ende letzten Jahres das größte Investitionsprogramm in […]
Alps Alpine, TactoTek Deliver In-Mold Electronics HMI Solution for German Automotive OEM
Collaborative solution development paves way for expanding the use of […]
Leitfähige Bedruckung unter extremer Verformung – Kapazitive User Interfaces im Automobil
Die Fertigung von dreidimensionalen Bedienelementen ist eine Herausforderung.
In-Mold Electronics: challenges in every step?
Our report suggests that in-mold electronics (IME) can become a […]